I was looking through my old files and found several poems I had translated a while ago that seemed useful to post in their own pages.

“The Ruin” and “Durham” date from the early days of the ASNPP (back in 2008), when I participated in a roundtable on translation with Marijane Osbourne at the Anglo-Saxon Futures conference held at King’s College London. They have both been placed in a page marked “Shorter Poems,” where the miscellaneous things I work on will find their way.

“The Rune Poem” was translated on behalf of one of my students in an Anglo-Saxon poetry class held in spring 2012. He was looking to compare a literal translation with the one by James Harpur featured in the Word Exchange.

“The Wanderer” (posted today) is a revised version of the very literal translation I made for my first Anglo-Saxon language class in fall 2013. “Wulf and Eadwacer” dates from the same time (it’s in the “Shorter Poems” section).

Three riddles have also been added to the “Shorter Poems” section. “Shield” (5), “Tree” (30a), and “Fish in River” (85) were found in a folder from the Anglo-Saxon class as well. There are about a half-dozen others (those found in Mitchell-Robinson’s Guide to Old English), but I need to revise them so they’re less pedagogical materials and more poems.

That is all.